Saturday, October 1, 2011


I'm excited about today. First, last night, I was excited because I could sleep late this morning. That didn't happen. OK, so I slept til 7:15, which is actually an hour or so later than I usually sleep, but come on, what happened to sleeping until 9 or 10?  I'll have to settle for taking a nap at some time if the mood strikes me. Now, I'm excited that I can spend the whole day working on my quilt if I like. Wanna bet that doesn't happen either? Distractions will occur, errands may need to be run. There's that nap I mentioned earlier. Oh well, the day is mine and I know I'll enjoy it, whatever I decide to do. May all our Saturdays be as productive as we wish them to be, as relaxing as we need them to be and fun.

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